Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Open for business

Video Chat, Calls And Emails

We may not be able to visit you in person in the coming weeks to discuss your project, but we are able to video chat to go through design options, discuss your next steps or to catch up on the status of your project.  Using Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom or a preferable video sharing platform we can screen share to show you the 3D model of your project. For prospective customers we are happy to schedule introductory meetings using this method where we can establish your requirements and then follow up with a fee quotation for you to consider.

If you want to get in touch to arrange a video chat session please let us know and we can get a time in the diary or

If you are more comfortable over the phone or via email we are available that way too!

Core Services Available To You

Work on all of our projects will keep progressing as our office is from home anyway. We can still work on models and drawings, prepare design options, and prepare Planning and Building Warrant applications during this time and we can deal with any technical queries as they arise.

It may be the case that building work may have to be postponed due to social distancing/isolating but we will be able to work on and get your project to a place where it will be ready to fly without delay when the situation turns a corner.

Hopefully this helps to assure you that we are in a position to continue with your project(s) but please feel free to contact either myself or Lorna if you want to discuss anything.

We hope that you and your family and friends continue to stay safe and we look forward to working with you through this difficult time.

Best regards,

Neil and Lorna